Tuesday, July 24, 2012

NUSWS Welcome Tea!!

Hi all freshies!!

Welcome to NUS Wind Symphony's very own blog!! The fact that you look for this blog means that some part of you is urging to play in a band again. It doesn't matter if you have not touch your band instruments for too long due to whatever reasons as long as you have played in a concert/ military band before,
we welcome you to come for our NUSWS WELCOME TEA 2012.

WHat to ExPect? 

You will be joining the main band with our Da Capo rehearsal under the baton of our dear Professor Ho Hwee Long. This is the perfect chance to relive those unforgettable band moment of your past band experience.   

After that, there will be fun interactive session with seniors and alumnus. You can find out more about how NUSWS is our shelter after a HECTIC day in NUS, how we make lifelong friends in NUSWS, how we have our supper after almost every practice, how we formed very own NUSWS mugging club(s) and many more interesting stories about our lives as a NUSWS member. 


WHen and WHerE is It?

It will be on 16 of August (Thursday) 7pm at CFA auditorium. Dunno where? Fret not. Refer to our map below. 

Still cannot dunno where? Just call me (Jeff, 81718119) or Kyou Un (81718119) for directions.


You can catch our performance in CFA HOUSE PARTY 2012 at 15 August, 9pm at University Cultural Centre (UCC)!! 

Please click here for more House Party details.

So... Come and JOIN us!!!


Jeffrey Tan (President)